Plant a Hedge

Plant a Hedge

  Plant a Hedge

 Set off your flowers to perfection by planting a hedge this month. Filtering out the wind can turn    a garden from windswept hillside to cosy flower haven; hedges also provide homes for wildlife      and soften boundaries to a gentle green that’s the ideal backdrop for brightly-coloured              perennials. Choose from deciduous hedges which drop their leaves in winter, such as elegant    native beech or hornbeam; sturdy evergreens like yew for year-round shelter; or for a more    natural look go for a mixed native hedge full of dog roses, hawthorn, hazel, field maples and      blackthorn.

How to Plant a Hedge

Prepare your ground before you buy the hedging plants, digging in lots of organic matter as you go. Use a peg and string to mark the line of your hedge, then buy in the bare-root saplings at any time during winter. Plunge the roots in water for an hour to rehydrate them, then plant straight away burying the roots just below the soil’s surface. Back-fill with earth and press the soil around the plant with your heel, water in and then trim back all the plants to about 20cm: that encourages lots of bushy growth. You’ll find all you need right here at Ahern Nurseries & Plant Centre in Co. Limerick.

Different hedges have different requirements so do your homework first by calling in to see us and getting the best advice possible.